Monday, April 18, 2011


In the field of music there is much to be explored, and the psychological influence of music seems little known to modern science. According to modern science we are taught that the influence of music, or of sound and vibration, comes to us and touches the senses from without. But there is one question which remains: What is the source of the influence that comes from within? The real secret of the psychological influence of music is hidden in its source..

In other words, Kahn is asking about the inner experience of music and how it interacts with the sounds coming from the external world. While Kahn approaches the topic of the psychological influence of music from a spiritual or mystic perspective, it is important to point out that what he is noting is that whatever the nature of the influence of music on human beings, it can be profound. Indeed, Terry (2004 1) reports that music and its influence has been noted in all human societies and that it is known for its ability to put people in good moods, move them to tears, make them want to celebrate and just generally move them emotionally in both negative and positive ways.

Webcam Motion Detector - The Installation Step by Step?

1. The installation art site will be set up like this:

- The mirror will be put at any strategic place (i.e besides the elevators), where more people/user will be attracted to give their reaction. They are more likely to give out their reactions there, such as combing their hair or fixing their attires and looks. It will be setup together with webcam,sensor and speakers,in hide position. Meanwhile, a projector will be setup at other place where it will shows the people/user actions in effects.

2. Once the people/user reach the sensor position in the installation area, it will sends an instruction to the laptop to generate any random sound to stimulate spontaneous reactions from the people/user.

3. All of the actions happen at the installation art site will be generate by a projector to a white screen that will be set up at other public spaces, most probably will be the FCM Atrium. It will shows the people/user reactions in effects that can be determine by the installer.

Webcam Motion Detector - How Will It Works?

Video surveillance technology is not nearly as expensive or difficult to acquire as it used to be. A new trend in video surveillance is driving down the price even further. Now we can transform our webcam and personal computer into a fully functioning video surveillance system simply by installing a webcam motion detection software package.Webcam software gives us the ability to have our own home surveillance system for a fraction of the cost of a typical video surveillance system. There are a few device needed to make sure the webcam software on this project a success. The stuff are:

a) Webcam

Its function is to capture the actions from the human in front of the mirror before it is going to be generate at the white screen

b) Projector

It is going to project the actions done by the people in an effect

c) Cassette Radio/DVD Player

To prank or specifically, to stimulate reactions from the human/user by producing sounds suddenly.

d) Mirror

As a medium that people normally attracted to reacts

e) Laptop

To store the systems and stuffs needed in this project

f) Speaker

To play the sounds at the installation site

g) Sensor

It will give the directions to the laptop to produce the sounds.


Project 2

Project Name: 
webcam Motion Detection

The term practical joke refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke want to build an installation art to deliver our message which is prank sound we choose our target audience and when they coming to our trap  we expect they looking them self on mirror and they are not conscious and suddenly we play the loudly sound that we already prepared for our special users (those sound can made by human or animal or other creature to give the user surprise ) and we record the user reaction and when he pass from our recording area (at the exact place) we show his reaction on the screen. we like to give some pleasure and fun to our target audience, i think in this term we can find something more about people motion and expression. we don't like mess with anyone and we don't want bothering people.we just looking for some fun and we like to give them smile and happiness. something required from this assignment.    

Target Audience:
Target audience are student (most recommended 20-30) 
Those who have healthy body ,physically and emotionally 

to show that life is various and unique and we can have a lot of emotion and it can change so fast. Environment as the important fact change our mood and emotion and we can really feel and understand ourselves and other people much more better.

Emotion And Expression

The term practical joke refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke, played on a person, especially one that causes the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort. Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks in that the victim finds out. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have chosen the idea of using Minesweeper game as an inspiration in the build-up for my final applications, which is a game about the Radar Detector in helping the Orang Asal in Belum to detect and avoid their own booby traps that have been made for hunting. Minesweeper is a single-player video game. The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine. 

The player is initially presented with a grid of undistinguished squares. Some randomly selected squares, unknown to the player, are designated to contain mines. Typically, the size of the grid and the number of mines are set in advance by the user, either by entering the numbers or selecting from defined skill levels depending on the implementation.The game is played by revealing squares of the grid, typically by clicking them with a mouse. If a square containing a mine is revealed, the player loses the game. Otherwise, a digit is revealed in the square, indicating the number of adjacent squares (typically, out of the possible eight) that contain mines.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Final Assignments: The Pick

My batch has been entrusted on doing an applications regarding the topic that we cover for this trimester which is  Interactive Applications. We have to do an application about Dynamic Interactive device and relate to the other topic. The lecturer has set the last trimester trip to the Orang Asal villages to be the the other main subjects in this trimester. The mission is how to relate the Interactive Applications that we have chosen with the Orang Asal. In other way, how to make an application that shows an Interactive Application helping on the Orang Asal. I have come up with several ideas which is:

a) Radar Detector- helping the Orang Asal on detecting their own booby traps planted for their hunt activities. A game-type using the concept of Minesweeper game.
b) Laser Rangefinder- To guess the range of the hunter and the prey animal. A game-based application.
c) Portable DVD player- trying to make an application that should be acting like a photo gallery. It should consists of the Orang Asal life in photos.

After taking some aspects into consideration, I have made a decision that I want to choose the Radar detector as my main subjects to be relate with the Orang  Asal in Belum. I am going to make game-based project for the final assignments of this trimester.

Gamma 2

Hi everyone! This is a new entry for the latest trimester, Gamma 2. For this trimester we have been learning about Interactive Applications, which has been divided into two things that is Static and Dynamic. We guys have been entrusted to do an application regarding this field. So keep on following my blog for latest updates on my application.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Proposal and the Concept Pitch

Note: There won't be much changes on my proposal so this proposal is almost 80% same as the first proposal.

Task: To design and develop an interactive information design application
Topic: Orang asli settlement 
Therefore I would like to share my knowledge regarding the researches and the journey I will make through the area to define the “Orang Asli” settlement in Malaysia
I want to share my knowledge through an interactive application for users whom will be educated regarding the contents of the application.
Target Audience:
Adults and youngsters
User task: 

Information about the Orang Asli settlement in Malaysia. 
Detail description:
Orang Asli (lit, "original peoples" or "aboriginal peoples" in Malay) is a general term used for any indigenous groups that are found in Peninsular Malaysia. They are divided into three main tribal groups – Semang (negrito), Senoi, and Proto-Malay (Aboriginal Malay). The Orang Asli are further divided into 18 sub-ethnic group according to their different languages and customs. The Negritos are usually found in the northern region of the peninsula, the Senois in the central region, and the Proto-Malay in the southern region. There is an Orang Asli museum at Gombak, which is about 25 km north of Kuala Lumpur. 
- History of “Orang Asli” in Malaysia
- Photo gallery (architecture, environment, people, children, daily life, working and etc.)
- Today’s life style of “Orang Asli” people
- The traditions of Orang Asli
- Nature and the surrounding
- Slavery, Economy, Demography, Languages, Social and legal status
Concept Pitch:
- Page 1 (Main)
- Page 2 (History)
- Page 3 (Lifestyle/ Tradition)
- Page 4 (Current Situation)
And my other classmates blog.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Layout Examples


For the application that should been made, we have to choose one font to be use in it. I am using the Anthropos font. It is one of the design specially made that blend with the primitive style of font. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Interpretation of the Whole Trip

On the 22nd of July 2010, the class for Digital Media for Gamma 1 are bound to the north side of Malaysia a state, called Perak. The final destination was Belum rainforest which is located near to Grik. We are going to be at the Belum Rainforest until the 25th of July 2010.

There are lots of activities been set up by the lecturer, Dr. Forest Lim Yan Peng and Mr. Munawaruzzaman. The y have been closely assisted by Mr. Radzi Hanif, Mr. Ike Ong and Mr. Arfan which act as a specialist in helping the lecturer.Firstly, on the evening of the first day, the students were off to Tali Kail island there which has a hut that has a Rafflesia on top of the hill. The only way to reach there was only by jungle trekking. On the way to the top of the hill, there are lots of fantastic flora on the sideway.

The second day of the trip saw the lecturers bring all of the students to the Orang Asli from the Jahai tribe settlement. Me and one of my firends managed to interview one of the elder villagers. We also managed to takle lots of photos about the settlement. Later at the evening, the students  were separated by boats; 2 boats heading for the Jahai tribe settlement while 3 boats are heading to the Temiar tribe settlement. We managed to to interviewed the villagers and took photos of the village which could be needed by us for the Final Assignment.

On the third day which is the last day, there are nothing much could be done by us. The bus left the hotel at 9.30 a.m and it made 2 major stop; 1 where the bus stop at the Titiwangsa Range R&R and 1 where it stop at a restaurant near Tasek Raban and several minor stop. I have seen this trip as a whole lotta of experience where all of the students meet and get into a new world which is unusual for them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gantt Chart

Week 3-5 

Proposal and concept pitch (Proposals and concepts digital graphic)

Week 5-7

Project Planning (Design issues and treatment, target audience, mind maps, precedence studies, application flow and navigation, gantt chart and timeline and research and data gathering planning).

Week 7-8 


22-25 of July 2010 trip to Belum / Perak for Visual gathering and field research

Week 8-13 

Project execution (Content Design and Filtering, Digital Screen Design, Sketch, Make decision on concept and design, interaction & navigation Design, Troubleshoot and Self-Evaluation,

Week 14 

Project Submission (web-blog, interactive CD and A2 concept Board)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The Flowchart of my Application on Orang Asli.

a. History
- who are they?
- what they do?
           - where are they from?
        - how they get here?
Home/ Back

    b. Demography
- Population
           - Group/ Subgroup
      Home/ Back

c. Lifestyle/Tradition
- Social
- Legal Status
- Religion
- Hobbies

d. Current Situation
- Facts
- Interview
Back/ Home

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mind mapping and Sketches

After making the research and collecting information about Orang Asli, now we have to move on to the next step. So, this is the coceptualization of Digital Media of Gamma One. First of all, we have to play with the title and show the objectives by using sketches.


a) The mind mapping of of Orang Asli Settlements in Malaysia from the general point of view.

b) The mind map after defining the details of the application.



This is four sketches consist of design and typography that might be used later on in my assignment about Orang Asli.




Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Proposal Digital Media Design 1 (MMD2113)

Task: To design and develop an interactive information design application

Topic: Orang asli settlement

Therefore I would like to share my knowledge regarding the researches and the journey I will make through the area to define the “Orang Asli” settlement in Malaysia
I want to share my knowledge through an interactive application for users whom will be educated regarding the contents of the application.

Target Audience:

User task: 
Information about the Orang Asli settlement in Malaysia.

Detail description:
Orang Asli (lit, "original peoples" or "aboriginal peoples" in Malay) is a general term used for any indigenous groups that are found in Peninsular Malaysia. They are divided into three main tribal groups – Semang (negrito), Senoi, and Proto-Malay (Aboriginal Malay). The Orang Asli are further divided into 18 sub-ethnic group according to their different languages and customs. The Negritos are usually found in the northern region of the peninsula, the Senois in the central region, and the Proto-Malay in the southern region. There is an Orang Asli museum at Gombak, which is about 25 km north of Kuala Lumpur.

- History of “Orang Asli” in Malaysia
- Photo gallery (architecture, environment, people, children, daily life, working and etc.)
- Today’s life style of “Orang Asli” people
- The traditions of Orang Asli
- Nature and the surrounding
- Slavery, Economy, Demography, Languages, Social and legal status

And my other classmates blog.

Orang Asli Research

The name "Orang Asli" means "original people" or "first people". They all live on the Peninsular of Malaysia. Nowadays there about 60.000 Orang Asli people, of which 60% still live in the rain forest. About 40% Orang Asli live along or near the coast. Each has its own language and culture, and perceives itself as different from the others. Linguistically, some of the northern Orang Asli groups speak languages, that suggest a historical link with the indigenous peoples in Burma, Thailand and Indo-China.
They are classified into three groups:
- Senoi
- Negrito
- Proto-Malay

The Negrito's live in the North and North East of the Peninsular and mostly they live in the jungle. They are the semi-nomadic tribes of the Orang Asli. Only a few of them also live in urban areas and are engaged in both waged and salaried jobs.
It is thought that the Negrito's arrived in Malaya 8,000 years ago. Their forefathers were also hunters and gatherers who lived in caves and rock shelters. They knew the use of fire and cooked their food with the aid of crude instruments made from stone. They hunt for food and gather fruits as well as forest products for medical use. 

Many Senoi live in the Cameron Highlands. They just look like a real Malaysians, although the dark ones look like Negrito's. Originally they must have come from the hills in Vietnam, Cambodia or Northern Thailand, about 6000 - 8000 years ago.
In the highlands the Senoi live as wage-earners, working on the highland tea estates. Others you can see in the streets of Kuala Lumpur in jeans and a T-shirt. They have obtained jobs as varied as government employees and taxi drivers.

The members of the Proto-Malay tribes, whose ancestors were believed to have migrated from the Indonesian islands to the south of the peninsula, speak dialects which belong to the same Austronesian family of languages as Malay, with the exceptions of the Semelai and Temoq dialects (which are Austroasiatic).

This is how the ethnics are divide of:

Mah Meri
Che Wong
Ja Hut
Semoq Beri
Orang Selatar
Orang Kuala
Orang Kanaq


  •  Blowpipes
The Orang Asli ( mostly Negrito),who live in the jungle, hunt with blowpipes for birds and little monkeys. The blowpipe is made from bamboo. The mouth piece is made from damar, a resin obtained from the dipterocarp trees. Darts are made from the split leaf-stalks of Arenga palm cone is made of light weight pitch and the tip is coated with a lethal preparation made from the sap of the lpol tree (Antiaris toxicaria) and carried in a carefully closed bamboo tube. As for the windage, a soft fluffy "wool' is made from as kind of bark. Blowpipe is deadly accurate within 20 meters. 
  • Fear of Spirits
Fear of the spirits of dead ancestors and hunted animals is very strong amongst them, and it is an unwritten law that all animals caught, in the forest should suffer no pain. 

  • Tribes
The Orang Asli live in small tribes in the jungle. The tribe we visited had about 10 houses. They were made from leaves (te roof) and the floor was made of wood. They didn't live far from the river. They always remain living in a place, untill something happens, like a death or severe illness. Then they move to another place. The chief, every tribe has one, decides whether they will move. Building a house takes about two or three hours.







Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Chosen One

I chose this to be my poster for the first assignment as it shows the greenery of leaves. I also chose to highlight the leaves as it symbolises as a source of energy. It has been highlighted to make it as a main subject of the poster. As for the 'Green for Teen lines', it means that flora and fauna are the source of youthful for human. It has naturally bring the calm and soothiness effect to the human. So, we have to plant more trees to make  human's life better. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

First Assignment



This is the poster that I have made for the first assignment. It is based on the photos that have been taken at FRIM. I have edited the image and put a black border around the image. Also, a sentence, 'Preserve the Nature For A Better Future' have been put at the bottom image to state the message of the image. The message is also a well relates to the image where it shown the trees and the sky where it symbolises the nature and future.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


To maintain the natural environment of the park, visitors are requested:

•not to remove any plants and trees in the area.
•not to injure, trap or disturb any wildlife
•not to litter the area or trails
•not to vandalize labels and signboards.

Guidelines for Visitors:

1. The walkway is open everyday from 9:30am until 2:30pm. Closed on Monday and Friday.
2. Advance booking should be made at Visitor Information Centre by phone, fax or e-mail.

Please inform the guides before hand if you have any health problems or allergies.

Safety harnesses are available should visitors require them.

Do not overcrowd, jump or sway while on the walkway.

FRIM Kepong FRIM or Forest Research Institute of Malaysia is a must for all nature lovers who are in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. It is located in the suburb city of Petaling Jaya, approximately 16km north west of the capital city. It was founded in the year 1929 and is one of the leading institutions in tropical forestry research both locally and abroad. This 600 hectares tropical forest contains a wealth of flora and fauna with approximately 15,000 species of plants though for a layman in botanic, all of them look like greeneries.